The Cardinal MartyrSource Inner Sea Gods pg. 324 Pathfinder Wiki VildeisDetailsAlignment LG Pantheon Empyreal Lords Areas of Concern Devotion, sacrifice, scars Domains Destruction, Good, Healing, Law Subdomains Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Martyr, Rage, Resurrection * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Dagger Symbol Scarred gold breastplate Sacred Animal(s) Eagle Sacred Color(s) Red, white
ObedienceCut a holy design into your flesh or the flesh of a willing participant. Rub ashes into the wound while praying aloud to Vildeis. Bind the wound in red cloth but show the scar to anyone who asks. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that damage, drain, or penalize ability scores. Mystery CultistSource Chronicle of the Righteous pg. 27 1: Devotion (Sp) command 3/day, paladin’s sacrificeAPG 2/day, or pain strikeAPG 1/day 2: Imperative (Sp) Once per day, you can command a creature to carry out some particular task or service. This ability acts as geas/quest, except it has a casting time of 1 minute and the penalty to ability scores for disobeying the geas/quest is –4 for every 24 hours the target so disobeys, up to a total of –16 (though none of the creature’s ability scores can be reduced to less than 1 by this effect). 3: Martyr's Blood (Su) You are immune to bleed effects. Whenever you would be affected by a bleed effect, all enemies within 30 feet gain the bleeding condition instead as though they were the effect’s original targets (no save; creatures immune to bleeding are immune to this affect). The Heal DC to stop this supernatural bleeding is 20 rather than 15.Paladin CodeThe paladins of Vildeis are eager and self-denying martyrs in search of a good cause. Their tenets include the following affirmations.- Sacrifice defies the selfishness of evil. I will not shy from a sacrifice that would help the greater good.
- Evil does not rest, so good cannot either. I will not be complacent, but rather seek out evil to oppose.
- Family is a rare refuge from the evils of the world, but it cannot keep me from my cause. I will not favor my own family over other innocents.
For Followers of VildeisFeatsHeroic Interposition, Smite Evil MagicPrestige ClassesScar SeekerTraitsBlind Zeal, Bloody Vengeance, Empyreal Focus, Resilient Martyr