Prince of the MoonSource Dragon Empires Gazetteer pg. 58 Pathfinder Wiki TsukiyoDetailsAlignment LG Pantheon Deities of Tian Xia Areas of Concern Jade, the moon, spirits Domains Darkness, Good, Law, Madness, Repose Subdomains Ancestors, Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Insanity, Moon, Night, Souls * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Longspear Symbol Jade crescent moon Sacred Animal(s) Hare
ObedienceFind a quiet place from which to study the moon. Contemplate its transition from full to half to crescent to nothing at all, then back again, comparing its transformation to your own accomplishments. If unable to study the moon clearly, seek a quiet place and spend 1 hour studying a jade trinket while mentally retelling one of Tsukiyo’s parables that pertains to your recent experiences. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that cause the confused or fascinated condition or that deal either Wisdom damage or Wisdom drain.On GolarionCenters of Worship Goka, Jinin, Minkai, Nagajor, Tianjing, Wall of Heaven, Zi Ha Nationality Tian-Min EvangelistSource Faiths of Golarion pg. 59 1: Lunar Phantom (Sp) lesser confusion 3/day, darkness 2/day, or blink 1/day 2: Collective Vision (Su) When using the vision of madness granted power from the Madness domain, you can target creatures within 30 feet of you instead of having to touch a single target. You can target a maximum number of creatures equal to 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you have (maximum 5). If you don’t have access to the Madness domain, you instead gain the ability to use the basic version of the vision of madness granted power, touching a single target as a melee touch attack, a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier, as listed in the vision of madness description. 3: Moonlit Maze (Su) Once per day, you can point at a creature within 60 feet and transport it, as per maze, to a shadowy labyrinth illuminated by moonlight overhead. For every minute the target spends at rest or spends aimlessly wandering the maze, it is healed 1d2 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage. However, each time the target fails an Intelligence check to escape the maze, it takes 1d4 points of Charisma damage. ExaltedSource Faiths of Golarion pg. 59 1: Spirit Shepherd (Sp) hide from undead 3/day, calm emotions 2/day, or helping hand 1/day 2: Soothing Moon Aura (Su) You can radiate soft silvery moonlight from your body at will as a free action, illuminating a 20-foot radius with dim light as a 2nd-level spell. For a number of rounds per day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you have (maximum 6 rounds), you can intensify this light as a standard action. The intensified light suppresses darkness effects as per daylight heightened to a 7th-level spell, though it still creates only dim light. Furthermore, it suppresses all harmful compulsion, emotion, and fear effects in the area, as well as any harmful effects from madness (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 250 or Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 182). These rounds don’t need to be consecutive. You can deactivate the intensified aura as a free action. 3: Knight of the Green Crescent (Su) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon an advanced kirin that resembles an elegant jade hare. Its breath weapon deals 8d8 points of cold damage. The kirin follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute before returning to Heaven, but it doesn’t obey commands that would violate its alignment; particularly egregious commands could cause it to attack you. SentinelSource Faiths of Golarion pg. 59 1: Cleansing Jade (Sp) magic stone 3/day, stone discus 2/day, or searing light 1/day 2: Banishing Jade (Su) You gain the ability to smite evil once per day as per a paladin of your character level. If you already have the smite evil class feature, this adds to the number of times per day that you can smite evil. When you use your smite evil class feature, you can transform either your weapon or your armor into enchanted jade for 1 minute or until the smite evil effect ends. Your transformed weapon gains the ghost touch special ability. Furthermore, if the target of smite evil is an undead creature, the bonus on damage rolls for the first hit with that weapon increases to 3 points of damage per paladin level you have (including any sentinel levels), and your first attack with that weapon also gains the disruption weapon special ability (DC = 13 + your Charisma modifier). Your transformed armor gains the ghost touch special ability, and if the target of smite evil is an undead creature, the armor grants you a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against the creature’s spells and effects as well as a +2 sacred bonus to AC against its attacks. 3: Reincarnated Champion (Su) You increase the time that you can remain dead before being revived by breath of life by a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1). Once per week as a swift action, you can cast breath of life (CL 20th) on yourself, even when you would be otherwise unable to take actions, such as when you are dead.Paladin CodeThe paladins of Tsukiyo are patient teachers and wardens. They tend not to settle in any one community, either wandering from town to town or living a reclusive existence away from noteworthy settlements. However, these paladins are rarely far from communities in need, and they readily answer the call to shield a victim or destroy an undead menace. Their tenets include the following affirmations. - I am the voice for those who go unheard, be they spirits who cannot speak or those whom society has judged as broken or insane. I shall open the doors for others to listen to the voiceless when I can, and when I cannot, I will speak in the words of the voiceless, not my own.
- I am the eyes for those who cannot understand the truths of others who are not like them. I shall teach others how to accept, support, and celebrate those who think and speak differently than they do.
- I am the guide for mortal minds and souls. I shall offer kindness and aid to the lost, the frightened, the confused, and the dead. I shall calm restless spirits, and I shall banish violent ones with what compassion I can provide without endangering others.
- A different perspective can bring both fulfillment and pain. I do not judge those who wish to remain as they are, no matter what disadvantages it may bring them, nor do I judge those who suffer and wish to be changed.
- There is no shame in madness, and so I do not make madness shameful by imposing it on my enemies as a punishment. Though darkness and attacks on the mind are tools I may use to vanquish the unjust, my actions will never force lasting insanity upon my foes.
Unique Spell Rules Source Faiths of Golarion pg. 61
Cleric/WarpriestFaerie Fire can be prepared as a 1st-level spell Calm Spirit can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Darkvision can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Rainbow Pattern can be prepared as a 4th-level spell Wandering Star Motes can be prepared as a 4th-level spell
InquisitorFaerie Fire can be prepared as a 1st-level spell Calm Spirit can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Darkvision can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Rainbow Pattern can be prepared as a 3rd-level spell Wandering Star Motes can be prepared as a 3rd-level spell
OracleFaerie Fire can be prepared as a 1st-level spell Calm Spirit can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Darkvision can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Rainbow Pattern can be prepared as a 4th-level spell Wandering Star Motes can be prepared as a 4th-level spell
PaladinFaerie Fire can be prepared as a 1st-level spell Calm Spirit can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Darkvision can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell