Our Lady in ShadowSource Inner Sea Gods pg. 320 Pathfinder Wiki NocticulaDetailsAlignment CE Pantheon Demon Lords Areas of Concern Assassins, darkness, lust Domains Chaos, Charm, Darkness, Evil Subdomains Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Loss, Lust, Night, Shadow (Darkness) * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Hand crossbow Symbol Thorny pointed crown Sacred Animal(s) Bat Sacred Color(s) Black, pink
ObedienceIngest a dose of psychedelic plants or fungi and engage in any number of sexual acts (either alone or with others), during which at least a pint of blood must be shed. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saves against blindness and charm effects.DemoniacSource Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 21 1: The Lady's Charms (Sp) charm person 3/day, darkness 2/day, or suggestion 1/day 2: Instant Blindness (Sp) Three times per day, you can cast quickened blindness/deafness. 3: Dominate Thrall (Sp) Once per day, you may cast dominate monster. You may only have one creature dominated at a time via this effect, but the effects are permanent until you dominate a new target, at which point the previous target is released from domination but is stunned for 1d4 rounds.EvangelistSource Book of the Damned pg. 82 1: Kiss of the Succubus (Sp) unnatural lust 3/day, detect thoughts 2/day, or vampiric touch 1/day 2: Tempting Flesh (Su) You can shape your flesh into seductive forms. You gain the change shape universal monster ability, usable once per day as a standard action, allowing you to take the shape of any Small or Medium humanoid. Your natural form becomes beautiful and sexually appealing, and you gain horns, a pointed tail, and small wings. While in your natural form, you gain a tiefling’s darkvision and fiendish resistance racial traits as well as the prehensile tail and vestigial wings alternate racial traits. If you’re already a tiefling, you gain a +2 bonus to Charisma instead of these additional tiefling traits. In any form, you gain a +4 bonus on Bluff checks to deceive or lie. 3: Deadly Caress (Su) Like with a succubus, romantic or sexual contact with you can be deadly. When you engage in an act of passion (such as a kiss) with another creature, you bestow one negative level upon that creature. You must grapple an unwilling creature to use this ability on them. Such an act of passion also has the effect of a suggestion spell asking the victim to accept another act of passion. The DC of this suggestion, as well as the DC to remove any negative levels bestowed this way, is equal to 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier. You can initially activate this ability only once per day, but once you do so to target a specific creature, you can affect that creature with this ability at will.ExaltedSource Book of the Damned pg. 82 1: The Lady’s Charms (Sp) charm person 3/day, darkness 2/day, or suggestion 1/day 2: Instant Blindness (Sp) Three times per day, you can cast quickened blindness/deafness as a spell-like ability. 3: Dominate Thrall (Sp) Once per day, you can cast dominate monster as a spell-like ability. You can have only one creature dominated at a time via this effect, but the effects are permanent until you dominate a new target, at which point the previous target is released from domination but is stunned for 1d4 rounds.SentinelSource Book of the Damned pg. 82 1: Murder Walks Unseen (Sp) vanish 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or twilight knife 1/day 2: Right behind You (Ex) You gain sneak attack +2d6; this stacks with sneak attack dice from other sources. Whenever you make a sneak attack against a creature that is aware of your presence and considers you an ally, your sneak attack dice are increased to d10s; this applies to both sneak attack dice gained through this boon and those from other sources. 3: Death Is But a Word (Sp) Your devotion to Nocticula is rewarded with a single whisper from her lips to your ear alone, revealing one of the countless words Our Lady in Shadow knows to cause death. Each of her worshipers receives a unique word. When you learn it, you can use the word to cast power word kill as a spell-like ability once per day.For Followers of NocticulaFeatsChannel DiscordMagic Items - Wondrous ItemsDagon's EyeTraitsDemonic Persuasion