The TaskmasterSource Inner Sea Gods pg. 320 Pathfinder Wiki MagrimDetailsAlignment LN Pantheon Dwarven Deities Areas of Concern Death, fate, underworld Domains Earth, Law, Repose, Rune Subdomains Ancestors, Inevitable, Souls, Wards * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Hammer Symbol Rune-carved cave entrance Sacred Animal(s) Mole Sacred Color(s) Black, white
ObedienceUsing a chisel and hammer, carve the rune for “repose” on a stone entryway or cave entrance. If no appropriate entryway is available, carve multiple runes on a stone surface, creating an arch of runes related to Magrim. These runes can be marked on a stone surface representative of some entryway or passage, such as the stone cover of a book of knowledge (representing the entrance to greater learning), or the first stone of a road leading to a new land. Once you have finished carving your runes, spend at least 10 minutes maintaining the tools you used for this obedience. Gain a +2 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws against necromancy spells and death effects. The type of bonus depends on your alignment—if you’re neither good nor evil, you must choose either sacred or profane the first time you perform your obedience, and this choice can’t be changed.On GolarionCenters of Worship Highhelm, Larrad, Janderhoff, Rolgrimmdur, Tar-Kazmukh, Undercroft Nationality Five Kings Mountains, dwarf EvangelistSource Faiths of Golarion pg. 41 1: Rune Master (Sp) rune trace 3/day, share language 2/day, or symbol of healing 1/day 2: Runes of Comprehension (Sp) Once per day you can cast communal tongues as a spell-like ability. Each creature touched is marked with a glowing rune, which changes to represent the language that creature is able to speak and understand at any given moment. 3: The Task Ahead (Su) Once per week, you can give a willing creature an opportunity to prepare for the afterlife. This functions as a geas/quest, but the task assigned is one randomly determined by the GM and is lawful in nature and in keeping with the tenets of Magrim. Only a creature that is willing to be the target of this ability, without coercion, can be affected. After the task is completed, the target creature receives the benefit of an atonement spell. ExaltedSource Faiths of Golarion pg. 41 1: Grave Watcher (Sp) deathwatch 3/day, gentle repose 2/day, or blessing of the mole 1/day 2: Rune of Measurement (Su) You can learn about the judgment passed on the soul of a deceased creature. As a standard action, you can cause runes to appear on an adjacent, unattended corpse, which you can read to attempt to gain insight into the deceased or its soul. If the creature has been dead for a year or less, you can attempt a Knowledge (planes) check with a DC equal to the DC for a monster lore check about the creature when it was alive. If successful, you learn information as if you had used the appropriate Knowledge skill to learn about the creature when it was living. If the creature has been dead for more than a year, you have a 75% chance of learning what plane its soul was sent to by Pharasma and a 25% chance of learning nothing. If the soul has not yet been judged, has somehow escaped judgment, or has been reincarnated, you receive nothing (which is indistinguishable from the 25% of the time this ability fails). The results of multiple attempts to learn about the same corpse within a year are always the same. 3: Death Words (Su) When you deliver the killing blow to a creature, you gain the ability to ask it a single question as if you had cast speak with dead. Asking the question is a standard action, which you must use within a number of minutes equal to your Hit Dice. SentinelSource Faiths of Golarion pg. 41 1: Lawgiver (Sp) command 3/day, ghostbane dirge 2/day, or explosive runes 1/day 2: Endbringer (Su) Three times per day as a standard action, you can drive back undead creatures. This functions as if you had used the Turn Undead feat (though you do not need to have the channel energy ability or expend uses of channel energy to do this), and the save DC is 10 + half your character level + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest). 3: Soulforger (Sp) Once per day, you can show a creature within 60 feet a flash of what work remains in order for them to be ready for the afterlife. The target must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your character level + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier [whichever is highest]). If it fails its save, you show it a mental image of its destined plane in the afterlife, depending on the creature’s alignment and its adherence to its ethos, if it succeeds at finishing its mortal business. If the target is good-aligned, it is fascinated for 1d4 rounds on a failed save. If the target is neutral-aligned, it is confused for 1d4 rounds on a failed save. If the target is evil-aligned, it is staggered for 1d4 rounds on a failed save.Paladin CodeMagrim places order and unchanging dependability above benevolence, but as the keeper of the dwarven afterlife and patron of the dead, he also insists on respect and security for the tombs of his faithful and those buried in keeping with his teachings. Thus, a small number of holy warriors periodically arise from the ranks of his most devout agents to protect tombs from the ravages of undead and prevent the spread of undeath from interfering with their demigod’s goals. While all paladins of Magrim serve the demigod in their own way, each is also dedicated to this code. - The dead have earned their peace. I shall see them put to rest with respect, and do my utmost to keep their graves and tombs honored and undisturbed.
- Should some force or custom insist on treating the graves of the passed as anything other than a place of quiet memorial, I shall do all in my power to end this practice.
- The undead have stepped out of the natural order of life and death, and they threaten the sanctity of the grave. I shall seek to destroy them when possible, and keep them from the resting places of others.
- Rituals, magic, and tortures that damage the soul undo the work of the Taskmaster. I will destroy those who use these methods, and seek to repair those who have fallen victim to these crimes.
- Though I shall not do the work for them, I shall aid others in completing tasks that are important to them whenever it is possible and moral, so that they will not go to the grave with unfinished business.
For Followers of MagrimSpellsInvigorating ReposeTraitsGifted MediumUnique Spell Rules Source Faiths of Golarion pg. 43
Cleric/WarpriestArcane Mark can be prepared as a 0-level spell Disrupt Undead can be prepared as a 0-level spell Symbol of Mirroring can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Brand, Greater can be prepared as a 4th-level spell Firebrand can be prepared as a 7th-level spell
OracleArcane Mark can be prepared as a 0-level spell Disrupt Undead can be prepared as a 0-level spell Symbol of Mirroring can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell Brand, Greater can be prepared as a 4th-level spell Firebrand can be prepared as a 7th-level spell