Fearless ClawSource Inner Sea Gods pg. 322 Pathfinder Wiki JaidzDetailsAlignment NG Pantheon Empyreal Lords Areas of Concern Cowards, the untested, youths Domains Glory, Good, Protection, Travel Subdomains Agathion, Defense, Exploration, Hubris (Glory)*, Purity * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Short sword Symbol Path between two trees Sacred Animal(s) Black tiger Sacred Color(s) Brown, green
ObedienceMark your arms and legs with white chalk, drawing patterns that mirror the flow of spiritual energy you experience as you meditate on the teachings of Jaidz. Trace over these lines once again with a tiger’s fang, but do not break the skin. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity made with natural attacks. Mystery CultistSource Chronicle of the Righteous pg. 16 1: Dauntless (Sp) remove fear 3/day, darkvision 2/day, or heroism 1/day 2: Courageous Roar (Sp) You can cast still greater heroism three times per day. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell. 3: Holy Terror (Sp) Once per day you can inscribe a symbol of Jaidz in the air that acts like a symbol of fear. The symbol appears as the glowing outline of Jaidz’s holy symbol and hovers stationary wherever you inscribe it. This spell requires no material components and has a casting time of only 1 minute. You can attune up to 10 creatures to the symbol without extending its casting time.For Followers of JaidzFeatsHeroic InterpositionTraitsEmpyreal Focus