The Pale KissSource Inner Sea Gods pg. 318 Pathfinder Wiki BelialDetailsAlignment LE Pantheon Archdevils Areas of Concern Adultery, deception, desire Domains Charm, Destruction, Evil, Law Subdomains Catastrophe, Devil (Evil), Devil (Law), Lust, Rage * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Ranseur Symbol Two-toned devil mask Sacred Animal(s) Goat Sacred Color(s) Red, white
ObedienceFill a chalice, cup, or other small receptacle with pure, clean water, then despoil it with 13 drops of bodily fluid of any nature. Hold the spoiled concoction in your hands, envision the most sexually enticing image imaginable, and pray aloud to Belial until your throat is parched. Then, drink from the receptacle until it is empty. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws to resist charm effects and spells with the charm descriptor.EvangelistSource Book of the Damned pg. 34 1: Sins of the Flesh (Sp) erase 3/day, acute senses 2/day, or nondetection 1/day 2: Idolisque’s Apogee (Su) The Pale Kiss delights in painful acts of carnal desire, and you share this sense of glee when others so suffer. Once per day as a standard action, you can target a single creature within 60 feet with a number of Hit Dice less than or equal to twice your own. If that creature fails a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier), it feels the emotional anguish of a beloved’s betrayal. The creature drops all held items and, beginning on the round it is targeted by this ability, deals 1d8 points of damage to itself each round (no saving throw) as a full-round action as it tries to grapple with its emotions. The creature can take no other actions while it is affected by this ability. A creature that is restrained with a successful grapple or otherwise rendered immobile cannot damage itself for that round. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. Each round a creature is affected, it can attempt a new saving throw to end this effect. This is an emotion mind-affecting effect. 3: Thorny Caress (Su) The pinnacle of the Thorned Caress’s worship has taught you how to couple being desirous to others with the ability to inflict great pain upon those you entice. For a number of minutes per day equal to your Hit Dice, anyone who touches your skin (such as with a successful natural weapon attack, touch attack, or unarmed strike) takes 4d6 points of bleed damage. You cannot deal this bleed damage to others by touching them yourself. Activating this ability is a standard action, and dismissing it is a free action. This effect’s duration need not be used all at once, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.ExaltedSource Book of the Damned pg. 34 1: Desires of Mortals (Sp) charm person 3/day, unnatural lust 2/day, or seek thoughts 1/day 2: The Palest Kiss (Su) Like Belial, you can offer great pleasures at an even greater price. Twice per day when you lure a creature into an act of passion, such as a kiss, as a standard action you can bestow a negative level on the creature and cause it to be exhausted for a number of rounds equal to half your Hit Dice. You can affect an unwilling creature, but that creature must be grappled for you to use this ability. A creature can negate the negative level and exhaustion effect with a successful Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier). 3: Skeletal Palace (Sp) Deep understanding of the Pale Kiss has taught you how to lure chattel to your side with sweet promises of pleasure, lulling them into a sense of complacency before they realize they can never escape your iron grasp. Once per day, you can cast mass hold monster as a spell-like ability, assaulting potential victims’ minds with promises of pleasures.SentinelSource Book of the Damned pg. 34 1: Great Deceiver (Sp) disguise self 3/day, alter self 2/day, or glibness 1/day 2: Infernal Shapeshifter (Su) Studying and worshiping the inscrutable ways of Belial, the Duke of Many Forms, has taught you how to imitate the appearances of many creatures. Three times per day as a standard action, for a number of minutes equal to your Hit Dice, you can take on the appearance of any outsider with a number of Hit Dice equal to or fewer than your own. If the outsider has a fly speed, you gain its fly speed while this ability is in effect, and you similarly gain any of the outsider’s resistances and immunities. You do not gain any of this outsider’s other statistics or abilities, and you only superficially appear to be the outsider, but you gain a bonus equal to twice your Hit Dice on Bluff checks to convince others that you are the outsider. Any creature that interacts with you can attempt a Will saving throw to disbelieve your illusion (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier). This effect’s duration need not be used all at once, but must be used in 1-minute increments. 3: Phlegethon’s Forges (Su) You embody the might of the forges of Belial’s realm. For a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice each day, you gain DR 15/good and silver, immunity to fire and poison, and SR equal to 11 plus your Hit Dice. You also gain fast healing 5, and all your weapons count as evil and lawful for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Activating this ability is a swift action, and dismissing it is a free action. This effect’s duration need not be used all at once, but it must be used in 1-round increments.For Followers of BelialFeatsHellish ShacklesTraitsFlames of Hell