True SparkSource Inner Sea Gods pg. 322 Pathfinder Wiki AshavaDetailsAlignment CG Pantheon Empyreal Lords Areas of Concern Dancers, lonely spirits, moonlight Domains Chaos, Darkness, Good, Repose Subdomains Ancestors, Azata (Chaos), Azata (Good), Moon, Revelry * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Bladed scarf Symbol Dancing woman and moon Sacred Animal(s) Wolf Sacred Color(s) Midnight blue, silver
ObedienceDance in an isolated place under the light of the moon. If no moonlight is available or if someone witnesses your dance, pray for the spirits of the lonely dead and then leave a lighted lantern in a dark area. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against spells and effects cast by undead. Mystery CultistSource Chronicle of the Righteous pg. 8 1: Lunar Dancer (Sp) faerie fire 3/day, cat’s grace 2/day, or daylight 1/day (visible effect is moonlight) 2: Moonlight (Sp) You can cast an enlarged sunbeam once per day. The visible effect is a beam of brilliant silver moonlight, but the spell’s effects are unchanged. 3: Compelling Dance (Sp) You can cast irresistible dance once per day. If you cast this spell-like ability on a willing creature, the target is affected normally by the spell but also gains a +4 sacred bonus on Dexterity checks, Dexterity-based skill checks, and Reflex saves for 24 hours after the effect’s initial duration ends. EvangelistSource Pathfinder #134: It Came from Hollow Mountain pg. 73 1: Celestial Guide (Sp) bless 3/day, augury 2/day, or guiding star 1/day 2: Touch of Freedom (Su) As a standard action, you can touch an ally to grant it the benefits of the freedom of movement spell until the beginning of your next turn. While under this effect, the target gains a +10-foot enhancement bonus to her base speed when taking the withdraw action and can, as an immediate action when she fails a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect, reroll that saving throw. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. 3: Navigator Wisp (Sp) Once per day, you can cast an extended find the path on yourself with a caster level equal to your character level. The effect of the spell manifests as a mote of light that is visible to only you. If the route would take you through dangerous territory (such as a river with a very strong current or a hidden pit of acid), the wisp glows yellow. If the route would take you past hidden creatures, the wisp flashes red, giving you a +10 circumstance bonus on Perception checks to notice them. ExaltedSource Pathfinder #134: It Came from Hollow Mountain pg. 73 1: Moonlight Caller (Sp) faerie fire 3/day, glitterdust 2/day, or daylight 1/day (visible effect is moonlight) 2: Lunar Frenzy (Sp) Three times per day, you can cast moonstruck with a caster level equal to your character level. You can choose to have the target affected by haste rather than confusion; you make this choice each time you use this ability. 3: Moon’s Blessing (Sp) Once per day, you can cast divine vessel with a caster level equal to your character level. You can choose only the celestial aspect, and you take on the form of a large, winged wolf made of glowing moonlight. Instead of 2 slam attacks, you gain a bite attack dealing 2d6 points of damage. SentinelSource Pathfinder #134: It Came from Hollow Mountain pg. 73 1: Gravekeeper (Sp) hide from undead 3/day, calm spirit 2/day, or searing light 1/day (the visible effect of the spell is a ray of moonlight) 2: Choreography of the Night (Su) When the night sky is visible to you, you gain +4 sacred bonus on initiative checks, a +2 sacred bonus on Acrobatics and Escape Artist checks, and a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saving throws. In addition, you can take 5-foot steps in difficult terrain. Finally, you gain uncanny dodge (as the rogue class feature). If you already have uncanny dodge, you gain improved uncanny dodge instead. If you already have improved uncanny dodge, the minimum rogue level required to flank you increases by 1 instead. 3: The Dance in All Things (Sp) Once per day, you can cast animate objects with a caster level equal to your character level. Objects you animate with this ability gain the benefits of a haste spell for as long as they are animated, and their natural attacks count as good and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.For Followers of AshavaFeatsGhost Whisperer, Heroic InterpositionMagic Items - WeaponsChanneler's ScarfPrestige ClassesAshavic DancerSpellsAlluring Light, Moonrise ArrowTraitsEmpyreal FocusUnique Spell Rules Source Pathfinder #134: It Came from Hollow Mountain pg. 72
Cleric/WarpriestDancing Lights can be prepared as a 0-level spell Flare Burst can be prepared as a 1st-level spell Wandering Star Motes can be prepared as a 4th-level spell
Unique Summon RulesSource Pathfinder #134: It Came from Hollow Mountain pg. 73
Summon Monster IV: Celestial Pegesus
Summon Monster V: Lunar Naga