The Ravenous KingSource Inner Sea Gods pg. 320 Pathfinder Wiki AngazhanDetailsAlignment CE Pantheon Demon Lords Areas of Concern Apes, jungles, tyrants Domains Animal, Chaos, Evil, Plant Subdomains Decay, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Fur, Growth * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Spear Symbol Demonic ape face Sacred Animal(s) Ape Sacred Color(s) Black, red
ObedienceIngest hallucinogenic jungle plants and then beat a complex rhythm on a large drum made of human skin and bones while chanting prayers to Angazhan. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saves against disease and poison caused by exposure to the jungle or creatures native to jungles.DemoniacSource Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 11 1: Jungle's Wrath (Sp) Jungle’s Wrath (Sp) entangle 3/day, bull’s strength 2/day, or summon monster (fiendish ape only) 1/day 2: Summon Child of Angazhan (Sp) Once per day as a swift action, you can summon an advanced fiendish girallon, 1d3 advanced fiendish dire apes, or 1d4+1 advanced fiendish apes as if by casting summon monster VI. 3: Jungle's Might (Su) You gain a +2 profane bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.EvangelistSource Book of the Damned pg. 18 1: The Jungle Consumes (Sp) pass without trace 3/day, tree shape 2/day, or spike growth 1/day 2: Canopy Crawler (Ex) Your feet become prehensile, making you adept at brachiating, and you can move unseen through the trees with ease. You gain a climb speed equal to your base speed + 10 feet, and you can attempt a Climb check in place of an Acrobatics check to leap or swing between branches or trees. As long as your feet are available (magical footwear reshapes to permit use, but mundane shoes do not), you can perform climbing-related activities without needing to use your hands, and you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to AC or your ability to use a shield while climbing. In addition, you can attempt a Climb check in place of a Stealth check while in the trees and can do so at full speed without taking penalties. You can also attempt a Climb check in place of a Stealth check while sniping from the trees, reducing the penalty for sniping by 10. You can execute somatic spell components and carry objects with your feet, though you can’t wield weapons or shields with them. 3: One With The Jungle (Su) You tap into the collective consciousness of the jungle’s life, from mighty trees to tiny gnats, granting you perfect awareness of all that transpires in your vicinity. While in the jungle, you gain blindsight to a range of 60 feet, you gain a +2 insight bonus to AC and on saving throws, and you are never flat-footed or surprised. You ignore cover and concealment caused by natural features of the jungle, as the very plants and stones twist out of the path of your attacks and spells.ExaltedSource Book of the Damned pg. 18 1: Jungle’s Wrath (Sp) entangle 3/day, bull’s strength 2/day, or summon monster III (1 fiendish ape, 1d3 fiendish advanced baboons, or 1d4+1 fiendish baboons) 1/day 2: Summon Child of Angazhan (Sp) Once per day as a swift action, you can summon an advanced fiendish girallon, 1d3 advanced fiendish dire apes, or 1d4+1 advanced fiendish apes as if you had cast summon monster VI. 3: Jungle’s Might (Su) You gain a +2 profane bonus to your Strength score and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws.SentinelSource Book of the Damned pg. 18 1: Tyrant’s Roar (Sp) command 3/day, sound burst 2/day, or suggestion 1/day 2: Reign of Terror (Ex) You are a master of overwhelming your foes and minions through fear and intimidation. You gain a bonus equal to your Strength modifier on Intimidate checks (this does not stack with the bonus provided by Intimidating Prowess or similar effects). Once per minute, you can use Intimidate to demoralize a creature within 30 feet as a swift action, or all creatures within 10 feet as a move action. When using Intimidate to demoralize a creature in this way, if your result exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the creature is frightened for 1 round and then shaken for the normal duration; if your result exceeds the DC by 10 or more, the creature cowers for 1 round, then is frightened for 1 round, and then is shaken for the normal duration. When you use Intimidate to demoralize an ally, instead of being shaken, that creature gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls for the appropriate duration. 3: Unchallenged Tyrant (Su) You are attuned to the jungle mind, the primeval tangle of instinct that simmers below every sentient creature’s consciousness; you can use it to forge your elite minions into a force of unequaled savagery, united by (and utterly subordinate to) your will. When you perform your obedience, designate a number of present and willing creatures equal to your Charisma modifier; these are your thralls. This designation lasts for 24 hours or until you next perform your obedience. Three times per day, you can infuse all thralls within 50 feet of you as a swift action, granting them a +4 bonus to their Strength and Constitution scores and a +2 bonus on initiative checks, and granting any teamwork feats you have as bonus feats. If a thrall dies within 50 feet of you at any time, you gain the effects of death ward (CL = half the thrall’s Hit Dice, to a maximum of CL 20th).For Followers of AngazhanArchetypesIron Tyrant (Antipaladin)FeatsChannel DiscordMagic Items - Wondrous ItemsDagon's EyeTraitsDemonic Persuasion