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Weapon Bearer

Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 135
You attract a weapon bearer to aid you in your endeavors.

Prerequisites: Character level 4th, proficient with all martial weapons.

Benefit: This feat is similar to the Leadership feat, with several exceptions. You can attract only a 1st-level cohort (referred to hereafter as a weapon bearer) with this feat, and can’t recruit followers. You determine your Leadership score according to the rules presented in the Leadership feat, but your weapon bearer is always at least 3 levels lower than yourself.

A weapon bearer can take levels in only cavalier, fighter, or gunslinger. She cannot multiclass, though she can take any archetype for which she qualifies.

Once per round as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you can retrieve an item carried by your weapon bearer. In addition, your weapon bearer can pick up items you drop as an immediate action. In order to use either of these abilities, you and your weapon bearer must be adjacent to each other and must both be able to move and communicate with each other.

If a weapon bearer gains enough XP to bring her to 2 levels lower than your level, she doesn’t gain the new level until you gain your next level; until you advance, her XP total remains 1 less than the amount needed to attain the next level.

If you release your weapon bearer from service or otherwise lose your weapon bearer, you can recruit a new one. At 7th level, you can swap this feat for the Leadership feat.